[Kolab-devel] New z-push packages available

Sven Gehr sven at gehr-edv.de
Fri Oct 22 09:00:34 CEST 2010

Am Dienstag, 14. September 2010, 18:28:50 schrieb Christoph Wickert:
> On Monday 13 September 2010 19:31:29 Christoph Wickert wrote:
> > Please test the packages from the usual place at
> >     http://files.kolab.org/incoming/wickert/z-push-testing/ix86-debian5.0
> >     /

ok, I install z-push corresponding the readme. The test-link:


works I can login with my user/pass

In the wiki I found the note:

* How to select the folders who must be synchronized *
* With Horde Interface (kolab 2.2.4) *
* you can choose, by folder if you want to synchronize the folder or not  *

but I can't find this in the webclient. I found a new menu in the settings 
like "syncml" but there is nothing to adjust.

I do a test with my handy with ms-exchange-connector (AktiveSync) with this 

Exchange-Server: mx.gehr.edv (FQHN of the system in lan)
Username: sven at gehr-edv.de (my kolab-uid is 'sven' )
Pass: mypass
domäne: gehr-edv.de (the external maildomain???)

When I start the sync the handy show me:

systemerror ... pleas try again later

Is there a logfile on the kolab where can I look?

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Viele Grüße

Sven Gehr / Gehr-EDV
Am Froschbächle 21
77815 Bühl
Fon: +49.7223.9914070
Fax: +49.7223.9914073

Mailclient: Linux/K-Mail
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