kolab-webclient doens't work ...

Martial Paupe martial at paupe.name
Sun Oct 17 21:26:03 CEST 2010

Hello lists,

I'm trying to install kolab-webclient (1.2.0-20091202+debian0-1) upon a kolab 
server version 2.2.4 accordind those procedures http://wiki.kolab.org/Debian_-
_Administrators_-_Horde_Installation, http://wiki.kolab.org/Debian_-
_Administrators_-_Troubleshooting, http://wiki.kolab.org/Kolab2_Installation_-

However, none of them resolved my problem which is at login time, I type 
username password and login. It process stuff, shows quickly a white page and 
we are again on the login page.

please see log on pastebin "http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=teVQ2NX0"

As a no php specialist, I'm pleased to debug this issue with your help.


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