Questions concerning slave-master

Tilman Krösche tilman.kroesche at
Fri Nov 26 22:24:33 CET 2010

Thanks for your quick answer first and i guess i've just figured out a 
soloution for my second problem.
My Kolab servers have a public and a local ip-address. In the DNS both 
of them are registered, but in the trusted networks only the local 
addresses are mentioned. So i guess my servers try to connect themselves 
by their public ip-addresses and therfore the messages will be rejected.
Concerning my first question i will take your advice and try to contact 
the vendor. But never the less maybe somone else has got the same 
problem and might give me a hint.

kind regards

> Zitat von Tilman Krösche<tilman.kroesche at>:
>> Hi all,
>> i've got two problems with our Kolab slave server. This is my first
>> message to this list, so i hope you can excuse if my contribution
>> doesn't fit exacly to common rules.
>> Now my questions.
>> 1.  I've read in the wiki, users which are connected to a slave Server
>> can access shared folders on another Server
>>       (master in my case) by setting up another IMAP connection. My
>> question is how can i achieve this with Outlook as Client. With
>>       toltec connector or even Konsec connector i've no opportunity to
>> set up 2 connections within one pst file.
> I personally cannot answer that one as I lack experience with those
> two connectors. Maybe someone else here knows how to achieve what
> you'd like to have but I would suggest to also contact the vendors of
> the connectors with this question.
>> 2. When a user connected to the master server tries to send a message to
>> the slave, it will be rejected with a "permission denied
>>       xxx looks like a forged sender" error. I've already checked the
>> trusted networks setting which was proposed in an earlier
>> thread.
> Can you detail the setup a little bit? Like which IP addresses are
> being used and what you set as trusted networks setting? What are your
> "Mail Filter Settings" in the Kolab webadmin?
> Cheers,
> Gunnar
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Tilman Krösche
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