Any news on future openPKG-replacement?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Mon Nov 8 11:03:05 CET 2010

Hi Johannes,

Zitat von Johannes Graumann <johannes_graumann at>:

> Hi,
> Is there any info/news on how kolab is going to proceed in the future now
> that openPKG has gone entirely commercial?

The Kolab Server 2.3 will still be OpenPKG - based on the <2010  
release of OpenPKG. This is planned for the end of this year.

After that Kolab Systems will create two native ports: for Fedora and  
Debian. That is at least the current plan.

I myself pondered doing a variant based on Gentoo Prefix. This seems  
to be the only other alternative besides NetBSD to get something  
similar to OpenPKG. But my focus is shifting from the Kolab server  
towards the Horde web client and so any Gentoo fun is actually out of  
the question.

I do hope that the fact that Kolab systems is going native also means  
that things will get much easier for similar native ports to other  



> What's the state of the discussion?
> Cheers, Joh
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Gunnar Wrobel
Developer, Kolab Systems AG

e: wrobel at
t: +49 700 6245 0000

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