Kolab resource in akonadi

Alexander Schröter webmaster at computational-chemistry.org
Wed May 12 13:17:43 CEST 2010

Hey I finaly have some time on my hands and just installed the new ubuntu LTS 
(KDE of course! ;)

Now I want to setup my kolab server to work with the akonadi thingi.

So I leftklicked and chose "setup akonadi". There I can enter a new Source 
called "Kolab" this is more or less instantly marked as ready, which is 
strange to me because I haven't entered any server whatsoever o.O ?

My feeling that the Resource is not really available is than nurtured by the 
fact that when I add a new calendar (akonadi-resource) in kontact I don't get 
any to chose from.

I am interessted in any help regarding this because I simply cannot find any 
real help on the internet.

Thanks Alexander

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