Kolab extension companionGroup for posixGroup functionality

Christian Rößler Roessler at FuH-E.de
Wed May 5 16:51:11 CEST 2010

Dear all,

I have started with the documentation about my extension to bring
posixGroup functionality to Kolab. I would be most pleased if I get some
help, at first with translating this entry:
from german to english.

I have also uploaded some bash scripts this extension revolves around.
The commentary in these scripts is also in german; translation help
there would also be most appreciated.

Well, my PHP knowledge is sub-zero, so I would especially be pleased if
someone could have a look into the hacked user.php-file.

Also I would like if someone would test this extension, and comment it.
I am quite sure my documentation is not complete; please let me know
where gaps are so I could fill them.

Please keep also in mind this extension is in beta status - please try
it, but do not jeopardize a running stable system with it.

The wiki does not allow upload of files with extensions it does not like
(or with no extension at all). So I had to zip the files, by the way.

Best regards, Christian

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