Z-Push with MfE or RoadSync

David Arndt arndt at map2net.de
Wed Mar 24 12:33:00 CET 2010


I tried to get z-push working with my Kolab-Server. Installed version ist z-
push 1.3RC2 and Kolab-Backend 0.3. E-Mail sync of INBOX ist working, Calendar 
and Contacts not. Here is the output of access.log:

03/24/10 10:40:37 [1849] : xxx at xxx.de : GetAnnotation INBOX/Kontakte : 
03/24/10 10:40:37 [1849] : xxx at xxx.de : NOTICE SyncFolderList Add folder 
03/24/10 10:40:37 [1849] :xxx at xxx.de : ERROR: kolabindex/xxx at xxx.de

debug.txt looks like this:

03/24/10 11:48:12 [3607] /kolab/var/kolab/www/z-push/backend/kolab.php:2121 
dba_fetch(): supplied argument is not a valid DBA identifier resource (2)
03/24/10 11:48:12 [3607] /kolab/var/kolab/www/z-push/backend/kolab.php:2090 
dba_close(): supplied argument is not a valid DBA identifier resource (2)
03/24/10 11:48:12 [3607] /kolab/var/kolab/www/z-push/backend/kolab.php:2079 
dba_open(kolabindex/arndt.cache.lck) [<a href='function.dba-
open'>function.dba-open</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory 

What could be the problem,

Regards, David.


E-Mail: arndt at darndt.de

ICQ:    61669702
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