New release : Kolab backend 0.3 for z-push

Alain Abbas alain.abbas at
Fri Mar 19 12:57:54 CET 2010

Thorsten Schnebeck a écrit :
> Am Freitag, 19. März 2010 12:35:22 schrieb Alain Abbas:
>> hi Thorsten
>> could you try the others contacts folders and calendar on the nokia and 
>> complete the table ?
> Hmm, I have to setup the non-inbox use case as I do not use these features so far. But I know that Nokia MfE at N900
>  only allows one calendar per account. Need to think about a testing set-up.
the 4 cases are :
INBOX/Calendar (default)



>>> seems to work with my N900 :-)
>>> Should it be
>>> /kolab/bin/pear channel-discover
>>> /kolab/bin/pear install --force channel://
>>> in the wiki? I have two pear-binaries on my system.
>> you mean that you installed   pear horde with those commands ?
> Yes, as Kolab_Format belongs to Kolabs php interpeter I thought it might help to use Kolabs pear binary and not the one for the global server php setup.
>>> I see this error message in my debug.txt but a new apointment and a new contact was synced correctly(?)
>>> /kolab-2.2.3/var/kolab/www/z-push-1.3RC2/request.php:675 Undefined index:  maxitems (8)
>> Z-push core message
> Hmm, maybe I see problems when syncing changed contacts... I have to do tests...
> Bye
>   Thorsten
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