How to set sieve script for shared folders?

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at
Wed Jun 30 10:37:07 CEST 2010

* Alexander Gran <alexg at> [20100618 15:31]:
> I'm looking for a way to enable sieve scripts for shared 
> folders. As usual, the cyrus documentation is really verbose 
> on this issue...I found out that I need to use cyradm to do 
> this, somehow like this:
> mboxcfg mailbox sieve scriptname
> However, where shall i place the script?! I think I'll need 
> to upload/compile it somehow.

I recommend using a group account instead of an accountless folder
in the "shared." namespace, this way you can use sieveshell or
kontact or any other sieve client to manage the filters.


thomas at - - OpenPGP key: 0x5816791A
Intevation GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrueck - AG Osnabrueck, HR B 18998
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner

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