logcheck with kolab

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Sun Jul 18 22:02:31 CEST 2010

Quoting Gavin McCullagh <gavin.mccullagh at gcd.ie>:

> Hi,
> we like to use logcheck to monitor our servers.  I haven't heard of anyone
> doing this with Kolab, but I've found it quite useful to find little
> glitches that might otherwise be hidden.
> I've added a doc on the wiki to document how we've installed logcheck
> alongside kolab (on Debian).  We've built up a kolab logcheck database
> based on the logs we see on our own kolab install which is in the wiki
> should anyone else be interested.
> 	http://wiki.kolab.org/index.php/Logcheck

Great, thanks for sharing that information.



> Gavin
> --
> Gavin McCullagh
> Senior System Administrator
> IT Services
> Griffith College
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