Kolab Server 2.2.4 Final Release

Christoph Wickert wickert at kolabsys.com
Mon Jul 5 22:15:29 CEST 2010

On Monday 05 July 2010 20:21:28 Johannes Graumann wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm confused by the following paragraphs from
> http://files.kolab.org/server/release/kolab-
> server-2.2.4/sources/1st.README:
> > Upgrade from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4
> > ---------------------------
> > 
> > Since OpenPKG uses static linking, packages which do not get
> updated
> > in
> > this release need to be recompiled, if they link against openssl:
> > apr curl imap openldap perl-crypto postfix sasl
> > 
> > When using precompiled binary packages install-kolab.sh will take
> > care of this, but before generating your own 00INDEX.rdf using the
> > .src.rpm files together with binary RPMs from existing installations
> > you need to remove the binary RPMs for above packages.
> I'm running a openpkg instance compiled from source - what do I have
> to do?

Hi Johannes,

I guess you have just downloaded the whole 'sources' folder from 
http://files.kolab.org/server/release/kolab-server-2.2.4, right? Then there is 
nothing you need to do, install-kolab.sh compiled everything.

Some people however don't want to build everything but just the updated 
packages. So they put the old binary rpms into the same folder and run 
install-kolab.sh -X to generate a new 00INDEX.rdf. install-kolab.sh will then 
only build the src.rpms
- that lack a binary rpm or
- that have a higher version/release than the binary rpm

Because some packages haven't been updated to a newer version, but need to be 
recompiled against the new openssl, it is critical to remove the old binaries 
before running install-kolab.sh -X and install-kolab.sh.


Christoph Wickert
Senior Engineer

Kolab Systems AG
Zürich, Switzerland

e: wickert at kolabsys.com
t: +49 251 871 369 77
w: http://kolabsys.com

pgp: 85DACC63 Christoph Wickert
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