With kolab 2.2.2 "automatic bcc"

Alessio Cecchi alessio at skye.it
Wed Jan 27 10:26:10 CET 2010


in our setup with older version of Kolab we have always setup 
successfully "Automatic BCC recipients" in postfix with the setting:

sender_bcc_maps = hash:/kolab/etc/postfix/sender_bcc in main.cf.template


mail:~# cat /kolab/etc/postfix/sender_bcc
cbs at domain1.com	archiviomail2 at domain1.com

but now with Kolab 2.2.2 when cbs at domain1.com sent and e-mail to an 
external address, for example alessio at domain2.com in according to 
"sender_bcc_maps" the e-mail is also deliverde via BCC to 
"archiviomail2 at domain1.com" but 4 times:

Jan 27 10:44:07 mail <info> postfix/qmgr[9910]: 82757258003: 
from=<cbs at domain1.com>, size=1574, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
Jan 27 10:44:07 mail <info> postfix/smtpd[10796]: disconnect from 
Jan 27 10:44:07 mail <info> postfix/smtp[10788]: F3511258002: 
to=<archiviomail2 at domain1.com>, relay=[]:10024, 
delay=22, delays=0.07/0.01/0.01/22, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 
Ok: queued as 6C7A4258001)
Jan 27 10:44:07 mail <info> postfix/smtp[10788]: F3511258002: 
to=<archiviomail2 at domain1.com>, relay=[]:10024, 
delay=22, delays=0.07/0.01/0.01/22, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 
Ok: queued as 6C7A4258001)
Jan 27 10:44:07 mail <info> postfix/smtp[10788]: F3511258002: 
to=<alessio at domain2.com>, relay=[]:10024, delay=22, 
delays=0.07/0.01/0.01/22, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 Ok: queued 
as 6C7A4258001)
Jan 27 10:44:07 mail <info> postfix/qmgr[9910]: F3511258002: removed

Jan 27 10:44:07 mail <info> postfix/pipe[10799]: 6C7A4258001: 
to=<archiviomail2 at domain1.com>, relay=kolabmailboxfilter, delay=0.32, 
delays=0.02/0.02/0/0.28, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via 
kolabmailboxfilter service)

Jan 27 10:44:07 mail <info> postfix/pipe[10801]: 6C7A4258001: 
to=<archiviomail2 at domain1.com>, relay=kolabmailboxfilter, delay=0.45, 
delays=0.02/0.02/0/0.41, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via 
kolabmailboxfilter service)

Jan 27 10:44:07 mail <info> postfix/pipe[10799]: 6C7A4258001: 
to=<archiviomail2 at domain1.com>, relay=kolabmailboxfilter, delay=0.56, 
delays=0.02/0.3/0/0.24, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via 
kolabmailboxfilter service)
Jan 27 10:44:07 mail <info> postfix/qmgr[9910]: 6C7A4258001: removed

Jan 27 10:44:08 mail <info> postfix/pipe[10801]: 82757258003: 
to=<archiviomail2 at domain1.com>, relay=kolabmailboxfilter, delay=0.66, 
delays=0.07/0.36/0/0.23, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via 
kolabmailboxfilter service)
Jan 27 10:44:08 mail <info> postfix/smtp[10803]: 82757258003: 
to=<alessio at domain2.com>, relay=www1.domain2.com[]:25, 
delay=0.69, delays=0.07/0.03/0.12/0.47, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 
2.0.0 Ok: queued as A9B8F13A412)
Jan 27 10:44:08 mail <info> postfix/qmgr[9910]: 82757258003: removed

Where could be the problem?
Alessio Cecchi is:
@ ILS -> http://www.linux.it/~alessice/
on LinkedIn -> http://www.linkedin.com/in/alessice
Assistenza Sistemi GNU/Linux -> http://www.cecchi.biz/
@ PLUG -> ex-Presidente, adesso senatore a vita, http://www.prato.linux.it
@ LOLUG -> Socio http://www.lolug.net

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