Problems with Kontact on Windows

Jochen May admin at
Tue Jan 26 18:10:04 CET 2010

Hi all!

3 Problems with Kontact Version 1.3 (enterprise4 0.20091204.1058385) on 
Windows XP SP2

I´m not sure if this is the wright place to post my issue. If not, please 
forward me to the right place/people :-) 

I use Kontact on Windows and Linux. On Linux i have no problems. But on 
Windows there are some issues:

1.)I create on Linux a new event, for example from 10.00 – 11.00. On the Linux 
clients and on Horde everything looks good, no matter wich kind of view i 
chose (→ Day, Weekly or Month). On Windows the day and weekly view are ok. 
When i display a month, the time of the event show 1 hour to early. In this 
case from 9.00 – 10.00. A double clicck on the event show me the right time. 
Also on the left site, where the detailed information of this event are 
displayed, the time ist ok.

2.)When Kontact is running offline, i can not access the calender and the 
adress book. But the notes and tasks are working. I try to explain this: 
Kontact is running online, everything ist ok and i can access both. Now i 
shutdown kontact and disconnected from the network. Now i restart kontact and 
switch to the calender. In the ressource window (in the left bottom corner) 
are still my imap ressource (but without the subfolders, like shared.calender, 
own calender, ...). I need to delete the imar ressource and add a new one with 
the right mouse button. There i choose imap-calender via kmail and voila, my 
calender incl. the subfolders are back. The same happens to the adress book. 
This is happen every time i start kontact offline.

3.) Also i try to setup gpg4win2, but i get only an error. The error message 
ist: "Cannot load library C:/Programme/Kontact/lib/kde4/kmailpart.dll" 
I follow the instruction from the file "README-kontact-20091204-3-en.txt"

By the way, it´s a damn cool piece of software :-)

Jochen May

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