Upgrade failure

Jeffrey Walls jwalls at browntransmission.com
Mon Jan 25 15:57:14 CET 2010

When trying to upgrade 2.2.1 to 2.2.3, on debian 5, using procompiled
packages from rsync.kolab.org with security updates, I am getting the
following error message:
kolab:~# cat upgrade.log
Changing to temporary working directory
/tmp/install-kolab.6856.30260.29330.27757 ...
Kolab installation tag (TAG):       kolab
Kolab installation prefix (PREFIX): /kolab
Kolab version (KOLAB_VERSION):      2.2.3
Kolab user name (USER):             kolab
Kolab user base UID (KID):          19414
Kolab restricted UID (KID):         19415
Kolab non-priviledged UID (KID):    19416
Exclude following Kolab packages:
Received no instructions. Trying to determine required action...
Found an OpenPKG environment. Assuming upgrade...
----------- SETUP COMPLETED -----------
 Now running:
   /kolab/bin/openpkg build -kKBuZ -r
"/tmp/install-kolab.6856.30260.29330.27757" -p "ix86-debian4.0-kolab" -D
openldap::with_pth=no -D sasl::with_ldap -D sasl::with_login -D
sasl::with_ntlm -D postfix::with_sasl -D postfix::with_ssl -D
postfix::with_ldap -D imapd::with_kolab_nocaps
          openpkg-tools openldap postfix kolabd kolab-webadmin kolab-fbview
kolab-webclient | sh
rc.rpm ::::
error: cannot open
rc.rpm: No such file or directory

I ran sh install-kolab.sh 2>&1 |tee /root/upgrade.log from the root accout
using opa /kolab.
I have the following openpkg packages:
kolab:~/Kolab223# ls -l open*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5651432 May 15  2009
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7741099 Dec 17 10:58
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8093696 Dec 17 10:58
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  116293 May 15  2009
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2127491 May 15  2009

Directory of /tmpinstall-kolab.6856.30260.29330.27757
kolab:~/Kolab223# ls -l /tmp/install-kolab.6856.30260.29330.27757/openpkg*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7741099 Jan 24 10:09
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8093696 Jan 24 10:09
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      68 Jan 24 10:09
debian5.0-kolab.rpm ->

Any ideas?

Jeffrey Walls 
IT Manager 
Brown Transmission and Bearing Co. 
PO Box 11117 
Lancaster PA 17605-1117 
717 295-9200 ext 214 
717 295-9025 fax 
http://www.browntransmission.com <http://www.browntransmission.com/>  

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