openpkg download problems
Thomas Jensch
riepernet at
Mon Jan 18 12:39:15 CET 2010
during the last days i have sucessfully set up a kolab server/openpkg to
make myself familiar with groupware stuff. unfortunatly i do have some
problems with adding additional openpkg's.
As described in the wiki i have registered sucessfully:
"authenticated as user at mydomain.tld via ase login"
However, when browsing the OpenPKG Package Browser i still get the error
"Notice: Most of the direct download URLs to FTP service resources
provided under "Package Distribution" will NOT work as expected as you
have still not at least once provided your registered Email address on
the Download page. Without proper identification the OpenPKG FTP service
resources are still restricted."
ftp doesnt work as well.
I have tested several browser but neither iceweasel nor arora or elinks
solve the issue.
I cant find any form where i can fill in that registered address at the
download page.
I searched the net, but didnt find any useful.
So - is it just me? Help/Pointers appreciated.
background: i want to make use of the apache and set up other stuff like
blog, etc and therefore need at least the mysql package. Or do you
suggest not to provide stuff like that inside the kolab server/openpkg
enviroment (as in: setting it up as described in the wiki entry about a
second apache)?
Thomas Jensch
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