Migration from cyrus IMAPD 2.2.3/Web-cyradm to kolab

Hermann Himmelbauer dusty at qwer.tk
Thu Jan 7 14:27:24 CET 2010

Currently, I use the Cyrus IMAPD, version 2.2.3 together with "Web-cyradm", a 
backend similar to Kolab. Now I think about migrating this server to Kolab.

I estimate that there are no conversion scripts available from web-cyradm to 
Kolab, so I probably will create the email accounts + domains by hand. I 
don't have that many accounts, so it won't be so much trouble.

For migrating the mail data, I can think of two ways:

1) Connect to both servers via an IMAP E-Mail client (e.g. KMail) and simply 
drag+drop the mails. This should work, however, it's quite cumbersome and 
error-prone, as I could easily miss some data in the process.

2) AFAIK, Kolab also uses the Cyrus IMAPD, so probably it's possible to simply 
copy it over in some way?

What are your thoughts? Any help is appreciated!

Best Regards,
Hermann Himmelbauer

hermann at qwer.tk
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