running kolab with second apache in subdirectory

Alexander Schröter webmaster at
Thu Feb 25 17:45:30 CET 2010


If you can not help with this topic directly maybe the 2 questions at the 
bottom can be answered by you. Thank you.

Hi little information out front. I have Kolab running on a Debian Lenny in the 
OpenPKG environment. Since I have a couple of services running that require me 
to have an uptodate apache I use the setup described on the wiki (running 
kolab with another apache) [1] All working like it should! Because I want all 
my Webcontent Content to be encrypted (if not needed otherwise) I want't to 
buy one certificate (and only one so not for any other subdomains). This is why 
I decided to structure my content like<subdirectory>. So short and 
simple what I want is to be the "rootdirectory" of kolab.

At this point let me say I am happy for any suggestions that accomplish my 
goals on a different path.

What I tried to do is to change the ProxyHTMLURLMap Rules to rewrite the 
content to be directed to the right folder. This is sort of working with most 
content. But Java seems to be broken and the Sidebar is empty which when I 
looked into it also had Java in it and this might be why.

The only difference to the 2 apache wiki seems to be the change of the document 
root from "/" to "/kolab" and this seems to break it.

I attached the virtualhostfile and created a pastbin [2] if anyone has some 
suggestions. If you want to rebuild my setup, you also need to change the 
cookie domain like in the wiki and also add "<subdirectory>" in the cookie-
path to make it work. In "/kolab/etc/kolab/templates/webclient-kolab-
conf.template" it needs to be "$conf['cookie']['path'] = 
'/kolab@@@horde_cookie_path@@@';" and in "/kolab/etc/kolab/templates/fbview-
kolab-conf.template" it needs to be"$conf['cookie']['path'] = 
'/kolab/fbview';" (The "/" seem to be important)

If you cannot help me directly maybe you can help me debug my problem. 
(1) It would help to know how the sidebar works and where the java apps (for 
example calendar information thingi) get their variables/information.
(2) Also helping would creating more debug output ... which I guess is some 
value in any of the php files ... maybe someone can point me to the right one.

I know it's a lot of stuff but help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you Alexander

-------------- next part --------------
<VirtualHost *:80>                                                                            
    ServerAdmin     me at                                                 
    # Logging configuration                                                                   
    CustomLog       /var/log/apache2/kolab.domain.com_access.log combined
    ErrorLog        /var/log/apache2/kolab.domain.com_error.log
    LogLevel        warn

    #Always redirect http to https
    RewriteEngine       on
    RewriteCond         %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
    RewriteRule         ^(.*)$$1 [L,R]

    ServerSignature On

<VirtualHost *:443>
        ServerAdmin           me at

        # Logging configuration
        CustomLog             /var/log/apache2/kolab.domain.com_access.ssl.log combined
        ErrorLog              /var/log/apache2/kolab.domain.com_error.ssl.log
        LogLevel              debug

        # Content filter declaration
        # Note: If you want to use deflate module, see dedicated section (5. Annex)
        SetOutputFilter       proxy-html

        # Proxy-HTTP configuration
        ProxyPass             /kolab/               
        ProxyPassReverse      /kolab/               
        RequestHeader         unset                           Accept-Encoding

        # Proxy-HTML configuration
        #ProxyHTMLEnable        On
        ProxyHTMLExtended     On
        ProxyHTMLDoctype      XHTML Legacy
        ProxyHTMLMeta         On
###     Different ProxyHTMLURLMaps that should forward any requests to the right Adress

###     Different tries to achieve correct forwarding
        #ProxyHTMLURLMap       http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A81%2F
        #ProxyHTMLURLMap url\([^\)]*\) url($1) Rihe
        #ProxyHTMLURLMap url\([^\)]*\) url($1) Ri
        #<Location /kolab/>
                #ProxyHTMLURLMap /kolab /kolab
                ProxyHTMLURLMap ^/ /kolab/ LR
                #ProxyHTMLURLMap ^\./client /kolab/client LR
                #ProxyHTMLURLMap /kolab /kolab
                #ProxyHTMLURLMap /kolab /kolab

        ProxyHTMLLogVerbose On
        LogLevel Info

        # Proxy permissions
        ProxyRequests         Off

        <Proxy *>
                Order deny,allow
                Allow from all

###     # Rewriting Horde to Start with the Client- instead of the Adminpage. Not Needed Anymore because Kolabs apache.conf now sends the request of Webroot to the right Domainaddress
#       RewriteEngine         On
#       RewriteCond           %{REQUEST_URI}                  ^/kolab/$
#       RewriteRule           ^(.*)$                          https://%{SERVER_NAME}/kolab/horde/ [L,R]

        # SSL configuration
        SSLEngine             On
        SSLCipherSuite        ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP:+eNULL
        SSLCertificateFile    /kolab/etc/kolab/cert.pem
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /kolab/etc/kolab/key.pem

        ServerSignature       On

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