z-push Windows Mobile and activesync

Alexander Marx alexander.marx at oab.de
Mon Feb 22 10:50:50 CET 2010


After testing the whole procedure locally i can say that the error resists.

But now the windows mobile gives an error saying:

while processing activesync there was an error on the server  
(translated from german)

the 0x85010014 error seems to be an error, when someone changes the ip  
adress of the exchange server???

so can someone please tell me if i am right:

BY installing kolab for the first time, i configured it with a  
dyndns-name, because the server should be reachable from the internet.  
The Kolabserver is behind a firewall.
Within the /etc/hosts i added a line with the local ip 192.168.XXX.XXX  
  and the dyndns name

I used the wiki to install z-push, a connect to the server (externally  
AND internally) is working http://fqdn/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync   
gives a popup with authentication, after filling in name and password,  
a white empty page appears (think that is right?)

it doesn't matter if i fill in the windows mobile activesync the  
puplic ip of the server or the local ip, the error is the same.

although the error log "access.log" is not generated within the  
/kolab/var/kolab/www/z-push directory. The path is configured within  
the config-kolab.php file.

the /kolab/var/kolab/www/zpush/* directorys are owned by user kolab,  
the status and kolabindex are owned by kolab-n.

I hope i didn't forget some infos.

Can someone please help me?


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