Korganizer pausing when creating new events

Troy Carpenter troy at carpenter.cx
Sat Feb 6 16:16:55 CET 2010

I've been having a problem entering events into Korganizer when it is using the imap store on the Kolab server.  This have become such a pain that the wife has stopped using the computer and gone back to paper calendars.

In Korganizer, when I open the create new event dialog, Kontact seems to stop about 3 to 5 seconds after the dialog opens, then continues about 30 seconds later.  This can be observed when I open the box and instantly start typing in the title field.  At about 5 seconds in, the input stops, but I continue to type.  After about 30 seconds, the buffered letters I typed while it paused then appear.  All other Kontact applications freeze while this is happening as well...kmail, kaddressbook, etc.

I have also had this behavior happen on virtual machines I've installed just to test out this issue.  I don't know if there is something wrong with the settings in Kontact, or is there something funky about my Kolab settings on the server.  I do know that some time in the past this never happened, but I wasn't observant enough to be able to say when the behavior changed.

My system is Kubuntu 9.10 64 bit on the desktop.  Kontact reports 4.3.5, Kmail 1.12.4, Korganizer 4.3.5, as does the general KDE version.  I use the Groupware setup wizard to make the inital Kontact configuration for Kolab, then later customize where the various folders are for the give account (drafts, sent, trash).

Kolab version is 2.2.3 running openpkg self compiled on Ubuntu Server 9.10 64 bit.  I have customized the php and http packages to allow more php plugins, but no other major customizations have been made to packages or config files.

Any pointers to get this working again without the annoying pause would be greatly appreciated.

Troy Carpenter

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