Horde4 News: An early Horde4 release for Kolab-Server-2.2.4

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Wed Dec 22 21:12:15 CET 2010

Zitat von Thomas Spuhler <thomas at btspuhler.com>:


>> P.S.: This is of course my very first e-mail sent with the Horde4 mail
>> client. Feels good ;)
> Great. I amd trying to make a distro. I have a few questions:
> Why did php-pear-channel-horde change to PEAR-Horde-Channel?
> Are there any spec files for a opensuse/Fedora/Mandriva distro, it's going to
> need a lot of work to adapt them all from openpkg

That shouldn't be the case. I'm not saying that all is nice, shiny and  
dandy (yet) but there should be no requirement for you to convert all  
those packages to your favorite distro manually.

If you look at the continuous integration server at  
http://dev2.pardus.de:8080/ then this is indeed building all required  
OpenPKG packages automatically. That includes the initial spec files  
that are being used to actually build packages.

This is possible since Horde4 now relies on PEAR packages for nearly  
all packages (including the applications). So the basic information  
you need in order to build packages for your distributions are  
directly provided by the Horde4 repository.

How to convert these into package definitions for your distribution?

Can I ask you to take a look at the underlying repository for  
http://dev2.pardus.de:8080/ at  
https://github.com/wrobel/kolab-horde-ci ?

If you start asking questions on how you can use the Horde4  
"components" tool to do the same for you distribution I should be able  
to guide you to a similar setup. There is of course no need to setup  
your own continuous integration system. The core part you need is the  
transformation of a central packaging template into the different  
package definitions.

Of course I need to warn you that I did optimize this for my own  
purposes so far. So there will be problems. But I also intend to  
package this for something other than OpenPKG so I'm open to investing  
time to make the approach more generic.



> --
> Thomas
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