looking around for synchronization tools

Alain Abbas alain.abbas at libertech.fr
Tue Dec 7 16:57:56 CET 2010

Le 07/12/2010 15:40, Rémi Peltier a écrit :
> Hi all,
> first i'd like to say that my intention wasn't to denigrate the great 
> and hard work done by the kolab community, i've been working on sync 
> for a while and it doesn't appear trivial to me (install ok but in 
> case of trouble...). It was just my feedback.
>     I ve got arround 300 iphones synced and didn t have this case . 
> None of all the releases need a jailbroken phone or need to jailbreak
>     the iphone to run again. I never heard that someone must jailbreak 
> his iphone to run again. "
> >I found this issue on z-push forum:
> http://z-push.sourceforge.net/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=943&p=3790&hilit=iphone+kolab#p3790
> I went from a kolab/z-push testing setup to building a production box, 
> and my iPhone refused to sync with the new server. This can be fixed 
> easily if you have a jailbroken iPhone. Just delete the calendar file 
> at /private/var/mobile/Library/Calendar/Calendar.sqlitedb and restart 
> the phone.
was the first version 0.2 in october 2009
>     About the Gal the search is made on the CN or the MAIL.
> >well it's ok
>     I m curently testing android with a P500 LG and i synchronize 
> since now more one week all (calendar (780 
> entries),Contacts(220entries,mails(6780 mails in inbox) and in 
> parallel i continue to synchronize my iphone without problems too (who 
> has been nerver jaibroken and i started this developpment with the 
> iphone as test mobile).
> >I restarted from scratch this day with clean install of 0.72 
> z-push1.5(still test with iphone) it works well with contacts and 
> calendar. still have issues with mails, now all subdirs are synced 
> (that's ok, why not) but all mails are synced, the limit of days to 
> sync is not taken into account. And for the INBOX (aout 530 mail) i 
> get either "connection to server failed" or no error and just one mail 
> from 07/07/2010 !?
There are a kind of message that the iphone doesn t like ,  ve got this 
error one or 2 time

For the moment Zpush doesn  t support html mails and translate them in 
text . the best way is :
for contacts and calendar :
to sync it with ActiveSync ( evry 15 minutes is fine and disable push ) 
Iphone make a connexion each time that you enter
in the contacts or calendars and write the modifications in realtime in 
the server ( you will save the power like that)

And for the email : with the standard imap accound on SSL mode .

>     You didn t read the wiki i think , wrote in the wiki
> of course i read the wiki, i said i couldn't find ENOUGH doc. for 
> instance:
> -the way to reset a sync (toggling on |off calendar mail.. is not 
> resetting completely i think)
> -maintenance tasks on z-push module (access.log is growing huge after 
> few days).
> -is it possible to remove /kolab/var/z-push/cache files to reset sync...
the cache is /kolab/var/z-push/kolabindex , you can remove at any 
moments files inside this directory, there are 2 files
by user_phone.
Another dir is /kolab/var/kolab/www/z-push/state, you can erase all the 
files too in this directory , this is the state of the sync

>     Why you didnt post questions before  to help us and for that we 
> help you ?
>    i always respond quickly at all the posts .
> Good question, surely i should. And definitely i will :-)
> regards.
> -- 
Alain Abbas


> Rémi Peltier
> Administrateur Systèmes & Réseaux.
> 64-66 Avenue de l'Union Soviétique
> Tel : 04 73 98 34 83 / Fax : 04 73 98 34 03
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