domain maintainer unable to write to user accounts

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Thu Aug 19 21:40:52 CEST 2010

Zitat von Gavin McCullagh <gavin.mccullagh at>:

> Hi,
> we have a kolab v2.2.4 setup with a main domain and two others.  I've
> created domain maintainer accounts and set them with access to edit all
> three domains.  When I edit the non-main domain accounts using the domain
> maintainer accounts, some of the time the edit works and some of the time I
> get the error:
> LDAP Error: Could not modify object  
> cn=XXXXXXXXXXXX,dc=YYYYYYYY,dc=ZZZ: Insufficient access
> There seems to be no pattern in which accounts I can and edit and which
> I can't.  I've looked at slapcat output and the accounts that work look
> identical to those which I can't edit.
> Does anyone have any suggestions how I might debug this?  I'll admit I
> don't completely understand the openldap schemas and ACLs so perhaps I'm
> missing something important there?

If I understand you correctly the error is bound to certain accounts  
and does not occur sporadically, right? If so, could you try to  
anonymize one of the accounts that do not work and attach the ldif  
file to a new issue?

We'd take it from there and if its reproducible on our side I'll debug  
it for you ;)



> Many thanks in advance for any suggestions,
> Gavin
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Gunnar Wrobel
Developer, Kolab Systems AG

e: wrobel at
t: +49 700 6245 0000

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