Update Problem

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at kolabsys.com
Mon Aug 16 11:58:21 CEST 2010

Hi Alexander,

just a short while after reading your report I read through a similar  
report that indicates there is probably a problem when the updated  
system has been moved from debian 5.0.4 to 5.0.5 in the mean time. Was  
this the case for your server?



Zitat von Alexander Schröter <webmaster at computational-chemistry.org>:

>   I was unable to resolve the problem and therefor decided to take
> drastic mesures and start over with a fresh install. The problem had
> nothing to do with the server as far as I know but I can't be sure. I
> didn't try to reproduce it and I am not going to try that ... sorry
>> Did this mean there was some kind of general problem with the server?
>> Did you manage to respolve the build problem in the mean time (I was
>> on vacation so this response is coming somewhat late)? Is the problem
>> reproducible?
>> Cheers,
>> Gunnar
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