Kolabwizard: problems

Christian Rößler Roessler at FuH-E.de
Fri Aug 13 11:44:48 CEST 2010

Thomas Arendsen Hein schrieb:

>>>> I have noticed some problems using kolabwizard under KDE 3.5.5 today: It
>>>> seems to work, but it just sets up an disconnected imap account (cached
>>>> imap), not both a disconnected imap and a 'normal' imap.
>>> Might be a stupid question, but did you activate the non-default
>>> setting that you want to have disconnected + online imap?
>> Not a stupid question at all! How do I activate the disconnected +
>> online imap setting? I haven't found it anywhere in the kolabwizard display.
> With German language settings I get a checkbox in the kolabwizard:
> [ ] Ein Online-IMAP-Konto für Nicht-Arbeitsgruppen-Ordner benutzen
> Maybe this is only available in the enterprise35 version of kdepim.

Well, just for the record, as perhaps others may experience the same

I was unable to find the checkbox mentioned by Thomas when using
kolabwizard ("[ ] Ein Online-IMAP-Konto für Nicht-Arbeitsgruppen-Ordner
benutzen", "use online-IMAP-account for non-workgroup folders"), as said

Some time later I grew agitated and deleted/moved away every kontact-,
akonadi- and kmail-related file under ~/.local and ~/.kde4 I could find.

Then the checkbox reappeared.

KDE here: KDE 4.4.4, Kontact 4.4.2, Qt 4.6.3, Kolab Configuration Wizard

Best regards,

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