z-push for kolab 0.4 with N900

Alain Abbas alain.abbas at libertech.fr
Tue Apr 20 22:14:00 CEST 2010

MfE seems  in developpment and not finished yet
our Test plateforms is for the moment Mobile 6.5, Mobile 5, iphone 3.0
the reference for  flatmode is  windows Mobile  and  for  foldermode iphone
without a hard device N900 it s very difficult for me  to understand  
what happen
i need help for the N900


Alain Abbas a écrit :
> Thorsten Schnebeck a écrit :
>> Hi  Alain Abbas,
>>> Am Dienstag, 20. April 2010 18:53:14 schrieb Alain Abbas: 
>>> Thorsten Schnebeck a écrit :
>>>> Am Mittwoch, 14. April 2010 19:31:31 schrieb Alexander Schröter:
>>>>> Ok. The solution seems to be setting the config to
>>>>> "define("KOLAB_MODE",1);"
>>>> I can confirm this. 
>>> hi
>>> The main problem that i dont know if  the N900 support to have more one 
>>> calendar or address book on it
>> Afaik the N900 supports more than one calendar/contacts folder BUT the MailforExchange Sync system does not.
>> I have a birthday calendar and a standard working calendar on my N900 and I have to select one calendar I want to sync
> N900 seems particular, in 0.2 we synced just the default calendar.
> complete support of contact fields is for MILESTONE 4 end of may .
>>> if NO you must set KOLAB_MODE to 0 or 2
>>> if YES you must set KOLAB_MODE to 1 or add the type in the list ( same 
>>> effect)
>> There is really no reaction when using mode 0 or 2 and mode 1 works for me as a permanent initial sync.
>>> i didnt saw in the net if N900 accept more than one calendar ( like 
>>> iphone) and i didnt find an emulator
>>> if someone would sponsorize me :-) np
>> Hmm, I think MfE does not work in Scatchbox - the N900 developer/emulation setup.
>> All I can say is, that kolabbackend 0.2 works fine ;-)
> 0.2 just synced default folders
>>>>> I guess adding the n900 to the list would do the same right?
>>>>> As to my previous issue where the sync faild do to the tasks, this is fixed. thank you very much!
>>> normaly yes
>>> could i have the debug file ?
>>> the righst on kolabindex directory are ok ?
>> ^^^^
>> This is for Alexander(?)
> not for you Thomas the debug.txt file will say to me more things ..
>>>> Do you get syncing to both sides? I get every time something like a initial sync that can also leads to duplicates on the N900.
>>>> So if I sync, change e.g. the birthday of a contact on the N900 and re-sync I get the server version but never push changes back to the server.
>>> the birdday field is not sync ( missing field for now)
>> What does that mean? The field is cleaned or does it stay? This is important as the N900 address-book has tons of special social networks fields. I'm sure these fields are also out of sync but the server does not harm these fields on the phone when there was a server side change. 
>>> yes both side
>>> seems that the bakend see the event always modified
>> But if I understand you correctly I use the wrong KOLAB_MODE so testing with 1 makes no sense(?)
> yes to have the same funtionnality of 0.2 you coukd set the mode at 1 
> and all the KOLAB_..FOLDER at 0
>>>> In the log I see every time "Changed on Server":
>>>> 04/20/10 16:45:42 [6777] : me at mydomain.de : cuteoffDate too old
>>>> 04/20/10 16:45:42 [6777] : me at mydomain.de : Changed on Server A: INBOX/Kalender /000BCA0016519169810388
>>>> 04/20/10 16:45:42 [6777] : me at mydomain.de :                   : Winterreifen+Frühjahrscheck+Frontscheibe
>>>> 04/20/10 16:45:42 [6777] : me at mydomain.de : IMAP connection closed
>>>> Can you confirm this?
>> Bye
>>   Thorsten
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