z-push for kolab 0.4 with N900

Thorsten Schnebeck thorsten.schnebeck at gmx.net
Tue Apr 20 16:52:06 CEST 2010


Am Mittwoch, 14. April 2010 19:31:31 schrieb Alexander Schröter:
> Ok. The solution seems to be setting the config to
> "define("KOLAB_MODE",1);"

I can confirm this. 

> I guess adding the n900 to the list would do the same right?
> As to my previous issue where the sync faild do to the tasks, this is fixed. thank you very much!

Do you get syncing to both sides? I get every time something like a initial sync that can also leads to duplicates on the N900.
So if I sync, change e.g. the birthday of a contact on the N900 and re-sync I get the server version but never push changes back to the server.

In the log I see every time "Changed on Server":
04/20/10 16:45:42 [6777] : me at mydomain.de : cuteoffDate too old
04/20/10 16:45:42 [6777] : me at mydomain.de : Changed on Server A: INBOX/Kalender /000BCA0016519169810388
04/20/10 16:45:42 [6777] : me at mydomain.de :                   : Winterreifen+Frühjahrscheck+Frontscheibe
04/20/10 16:45:42 [6777] : me at mydomain.de : IMAP connection closed

Can you confirm this?



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