shared calendar as long time reminding system?

Thorsten Schnebeck thorsten.schnebeck at
Thu Sep 10 17:32:05 CEST 2009

> I think the Horde Alarm system allows setting up email reminders via a
> cron job.
sounds interesting
> @Thorsten: Can you check section 4.4 ("Setting up reminder emails") of
I found

So testing:
root at phobos:~#chown kolab /kolab-2.2.2/var/kolab/www/client/scripts/alarms.php
root at phobos:~#/kolab/bin/php /kolab-2.2.2/var/kolab/www/client/scripts/alarms.php

I have heavy safe-mode warnings and an auth problem:

PHP Warning:  ini_set(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect.  The script whose uid is 19414 is not allowed to access 
/kolab-2.2.2/var/kolab/www/client/lib/../log/php-errors.log owned by uid 19416 in /kolab-2.2.2/var/kolab/www/client/lib/core.php on line 36
PHP Warning:  putenv(): Safe Mode warning: Cannot set environment variable 'TMPDIR' - it's not in the allowed list in 
/kolab-2.2.2/var/kolab/www/client/lib/core.php on line 39

[...and so on...]

HP Warning:  file_put_contents(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect.  The script whose uid is 19414 is not allowed to access 
/kolab-2.2.2/var/kolab/www/client/storage/PrefsFileEXWBEy owned by uid 0 in /kolab-2.2.2/var/kolab/www/client/lib/Horde/Prefs/file.php on 
line 162
PHP Warning:  file_put_contents(/kolab-2.2.2/var/kolab/www/client/storage/PrefsFileEXWBEy): failed to open stream: Success in 
/kolab-2.2.2/var/kolab/www/client/lib/Horde/Prefs/file.php on line 162
PHP Notice:  Unknown: SECURITY PROBLEM: insecure server advertised AUTH=PLAIN (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
PHP Notice:  Unknown: IMAP protocol error: Client canceled authentication (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0
PHP Notice:  Unknown: IMAP Authentication cancelled (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0

Same happens when using reminders.php

This seems to be important (horde-wiki):
>"you must have at least one administrator specified in the Horde configuration" or the CLI scripts won't run
> You don't need to run daily kronolith reminders, if you don't use daily agenda notification (eg you lock that pref daily_agenda)

> and test if that works with the Kolab server? I admit I didn't test
> this yet but if you start testing that I'll promise to help along to
> get it working. It would be useful to add the necessary configuration
> into the Kolab Server configuration templates (or at least into the
> wiki).

looks like you only need two lines into crontab and daily agenda notification on(?) But I do not know how to do auth in safe-mode?



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