Kolab and SyncML: Nothing happens

Roland Käser roland.kaeser at intersoft-networks.ch
Sat Oct 31 19:49:36 CET 2009


I've just installed 2.2.2 as pilot for upgrading / migrating old 
Just tried to sync a test mobile (Sony Ericsson P990i) through SyncML 
(ActiveSync/z-push isn't working).
It syncs fine but after all, no contacts/calendar entries are visible on 
web-client/kontact(linux)/kontact(windows) and vice versa.

Is there any additional logging possibility to search for the problem?

Kind regards


Roland Käser, Systems Engineer
mailto:roland.kaeser at intersoft-networks.ch
Diejenigen, die ihre Freiheit zugunsten der Sicherheit aufgeben,
werden am Ende keines von beiden haben - und verdienen es auch nicht.
(Benjamin Franklin)

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