Calendar Data Gone

Micha Kersloot micha at
Fri Oct 16 11:32:34 CEST 2009


> Hi I use my Kolab Server with Kontact (Kmail) and Thunderbird (Lighning
> Extension with SyncKolab Plugin)
> I just realised today that most ... not all of my Calendar Data is gone.
> And I have no clue why. This brings me to my two questions.

We had problems with the  SyncKolab plugin and had to switch to Outlook on MS 
Windows and Kmail on linux machines.

> #1. Is there a chance to find retrieve this "lost" data?

maybe in your /kolab/var/imapd/ directory, but not a big change.

> #2. How can I prevent this from happening again. To explain the only
> thing running on this machine is Kolab for me and some friends. I
> thought about a simple script that backs up the imap directories to my
> fileserver. This should be enough to bring back the data right?

I made a litle backupscript ( 
to do just this. If the server is not too busy you probably can get away with 
this script, but you may have to invest some time in learning to work with 
cyrus recovery tools when you need to restore your data.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Micha Kersloot
KovoKs B.V. is ingeschreven onder KvK nummer: 11033334

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