Amavis quarantine cleanup

Andre Mathibe andre.mathibe at
Wed May 27 16:58:39 CEST 2009

Am Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009 schrieb Cristian Livadaru:
> Hi everyone.
> just noticed I have quite a lot of mails in the amavis quarantine
> directory.
> Is there any Kolab way of doing a cleanup? Or should I just write my
> own script to delete old mails.
> Or has anybody done thtat already? Couldn't really find anything.
> Regards, Cristian
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i used this in my crontab ....  quick and not soooooooo dirty,...

#### delete qurantained Virus-eMails older than 30 days ####
10 2 * * * find /var/spool/amavis/tmp/ -mtime +31 -exec rm -r {} \;
15 2 * * * find /var/spool/amavis/virusmails/ -mtime +31 -exec rm {} \;

Andre Mathibe
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