openSUSE 11.1 LDAP dynamic config back-end + kolab

Shrenik Bhura shrenik.bhura at
Wed May 27 05:29:58 CEST 2009

Richard Bos wrote:
> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 01:38:56PM +0530, Shrenik Bhura wrote:
>>>> configuration database of OpenLDAP (back-config). Do you want to migrate
>>>> your existing configuration to the configuration database?
>>>> (x) Migrate existing configuration
>>>> ( ) Create a new configuration from scratch
>>>> Hoping that migrating existing config would not break things for kolab.
>>> Don't use yast :)
>> Any idea how I may revert to the old setup.
>> Tried kolab_bootstrap -b but the root DSE error remains as is.
>> I removed kolab, kolab-webclient and openldap2 and reinstalled the same
>> but yet no luck. The error remains.
>> I was under the impression that kolab on os 11.1 had been ported to
>> support the openldap 2.4
>> Any advice?
>>> What is a dynamic configuration database....?  If it is the new openldap-2.4 
>>> of storing the configuration, it is not supported by kolab....  As such you 
>>> better not migrate
>> Yeah it is openldap-2.4 that i am referring to.
>> openldap2-client-2.4.12-5.3
>> openldap2-2.4.12-5.4
> Have a look at this issue:
> Hopefully it has enough pointers for you to get going.
> I think that you should remove the openldap pkg annd
> also remove the directories:
> /etc/openldap and /var/lib/ldap.
> Now re-install the openldap package and run kolab_bootstrap.
> Of course this results in loss of data.....
Woah! That was really interesting stuff but where do we go from there?
Can't we move ahead from there to ensure the migration happens smoothly
and maintain the same?
The issue seems to have been open for quite sometime now.


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