Error upgrading kolab from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2

John McMonagle johnm at
Tue May 26 17:52:32 CEST 2009

John McMonagle wrote:
> It's my first try at an upgrade.
> Downloaded the debian 5 binary packages.
> Verified the packages  and ran from the download directory.
>  sh 2>&1 | tee /root/kolab-update.log
> Changing to temporary working 
> directory /tmp/install-kolab.17450.31912.7999.7035 ...
> Kolab installation tag (TAG):       kolab
> Kolab installation prefix (PREFIX): /kolab
> Kolab version (KOLAB_VERSION):      2.2.2
> Kolab user name (USER):             kolab
> Kolab user base UID (KID):          19414
> Kolab restricted UID (KID):         19415
> Kolab non-priviledged UID (KID):    19416
> Exclude following Kolab packages:
> Received no instructions. Trying to determine required action...
> Found an OpenPKG environment. Assuming upgrade...
> ----------- SETUP COMPLETED -----------
>  Now running:
>    /kolab/bin/openpkg 
> build -kKBuZ -r "/tmp/install-kolab.17450.31912.7999.7035" -p "ix86-debian4.0-         
> kolab" -D openldap::with_pth=no -D sasl::with_ldap -D sasl::with_login -D 
> sasl::with_ntlm -D postfix         ::with_sasl -D postfix::with_ssl -D 
> postfix::with_ldap -D imapd::with_kolab_nocaps
>             -Dkolabd::kolab_version=2.2.2
>             -Dkolab-webadmin::kolab_version=2.2.2
>           openpkg-tools openldap postfix kolabd kolab-webadmin kolab-fbview 
> kolab-webclient | sh
> ---------------------------------------
> :::: /tmp/install-kolab.17450.31912.7999.7035/openpkg-20071227-20071227_kolab1.src.rpm ::::
> error: cannot 
> open /tmp/install-kolab.17450.31912.7999.7035/openpkg-20071227-20071227_kolab1.src.rpm         : 
> No such file or directory
> ............................................
> it ends there.
> I was using the etch packages. Installed on lenny host.
> John
As it's not in production yet  took some chances :-)

I saw the parameter -p "ix86-debian4.0-kolab".
Figure that did not look correct added -p "ix86-debian5.0-kolab" to
it then at least did more but did error out.
Sorry did not save message.
Then ran without  -p "ix86-debian5.0-kolab" and it worked.
As a simple check all of /kolab/bin and sbin are new.

Any chance the the .rpmorig files that mess up startup could be removed 
by the startup script?
Not much point in preserving them as they are all created by templates.

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