Update to 2.2.2: kolabd - failed dependencies

Christian Rößler Roessler at FuH-E.de
Mon May 18 15:00:32 CEST 2009

Alain Spineux schrieb:

>> when updating to 2.2.2 I get the following result:
>> /tmp/install-kolab.5629.27893.232.29026/kolabd-2.2.2-20090514.src.rpm ::::
>> error: Failed dependencies:
>>        php::with_imap = yes is needed by kolabd-2.2.2-20090514
>>        [etc. usw. ff.]
>> ...so I am just fishing for a quick hint. Well, anyone has a hint?
> When you build an rpm package, you can set some options  like this
> /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm --rebuild youpackage --define "with_ssl yes"

Yes, as I feared this brings me into dependency declaration hell - if
rebuilt just with --define "with_xxx yes" (xxx=above mentioned missing
dependencies) many other will go amiss.

So, if others have the same problem: Using

--define "with_imap yes" --define "with_ssl yes" --define "with_zlib
yes" --define "with_imap_annotate yes" --define "with_imap_myrights yes"
--define "with_spl yes" --define "with_gettext yes" --define "with_dom
yes" --define "with_mcrypt yes" --define "with_iconv yes" --define
"with_mbstring yes" --define "with_mbregex yes" --define "with_gd yes"
--define "with_ctype yes" --define "with_openldap yes" --define
"with_mhash yes" --define "with_bdb yes" --define "with_pear yes"
--define "with_xml yes" --define "with_mm yes" --define "with_sqlite yes"

...or the equivalent...

--with imap --with ssl --with zlib --with imap_annotate --with imap_myrights
 --with spl --with gettext --with dom --with mcrypt --with iconv --with
 --with mbregex --with gd --with ctype --with openldap --with mhash
--with bdb
 --with pear --with xml  --with mm --with sqlite

...will (hopefully:) do the trick.

Now once again into the breach^apache_php... I will post the needed
options for apache_php too, if wanted.

But I cannot cease to wonder whether a new update script should do this
by itself.

Best regards,

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