kolab on openSUSE natively is a little bit back

Martin Zbořil martin.zboril at gmail.com
Wed May 6 05:04:02 CEST 2009

Good morning gentlemen,
Recently I tried both OpenSuSE 11.1 and Mandriva 2009.1, in both I was trying
the most recent kolab version with same results in both distros, the problem I found, after
almost 8 hours of troubleshooting, is actually in slapd.conf.template  on lines 59 & 60

slapd.conf.template line 59
idletimeout     80 # The value can be increased if some clients develop problems.
                   # Please report to kolab-devel at kolab.org if you encounter such a client.

slapd parses comments only if a line with commentary *starts* with # sign.

Happy hacking ;-)

Martin Zbořil

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