kolab + mailman

Bernat Brunet bernat at nan-tic.com
Thu May 7 12:46:59 CEST 2009


first of all sorry for my english.

I'm novice in the kolab. I have installed and running correctly. now I have 
installed the mailman and I would like to use it with the kolab, so I followed 
the instructions that are in the wiki 
(http://wiki.kolab.org/index.php/Kolab2_Integration_with_mailman) all seems go 
correctly, but when I try to enter in the mailman admin page it's return me an 

Mailman CGI error!!!
The Mailman CGI wrapper encountered a fatal error. This entry is being stored 
in your syslog:

Group mismatch error.  Mailman expected the CGI
wrapper script to be executed as group "www-data", but
the system's web server executed the CGI script as
group "kolab-n".  Try tweaking the web server to run the
script as group "www-data", or re-run configure, 
providing the command line option `--with-cgi-gid=kolab-n'.

but in this case I don't know exactly why it appears, because I have made the 
compilation with the "cgi-gid" changed, and replaced the mailman bin, like the 
wiki explain.

any one know what may happen? would be better install the mailman throw the 
tar package? I have to restart something special?

well, I have the kolab 2.2.0 on a debian lenny. the kolab is installed throw 
the script, not the deb packages. the mail man is installed throw deb packages 
and is the 2.1.11 version. I have download the mailman tar 2.1.11 for the new 

thanks for the help,


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