Horde/SyncML Status

Hermann Himmelbauer dusty at qwer.tk
Tue Jun 30 17:57:56 CEST 2009

Am Dienstag 30 Juni 2009 09:44:52 schrieb Johannes Graumann:
> Hi guys,
> Can someone give a semi-definite statement on whether Horde/SyncML as
> described in http://wiki.horde.org/SyncHowTo will actually work on a stock
> Kolab installation from source?
> Is anyone running a syncml-capable setup successfully?

What I can tell you is that it did not (yet?) work for me and my Nokia E71 
(S60-based). I suspect that it may work with the latest Horde release 
(1.2.3), as there are numerous fixes in the SyncML code, but I can't confirm 
that as I did not manage to upgrade Horde in Kolab 2.2.2.

What does work is a sync via Outlook and the Konsec connector, so I decided to 
use this as a temporary solution and wait for the next Kolab release.

Best Regards,

hermann at qwer.tk
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