ssl certificate for multiple hostnames

Liutauras Adomaitis liutauras.adomaitis at
Tue Jun 9 14:55:18 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I want to create ssl certificate for smtp, pop3, imap and http
services on kolab box which will accept multiple hostnames. As in
it should be possible, isn't it?

I'm not very good at understanding all the ssl stuff, but trying to ...
- Is it possible to have certificate which accepts multiple hostnames
(I have DNS server inside my lan and it is hosting kolab.local domain,
but form outside I use domain)
- The link I refer to is saying  that I have to:
 -- modify openssl.cnf file
 -- create certificate request .csr
 -- create selfsigned ca.
Should I use for that purpose?
Which openssl.cnf file should I modify ( I see that scripts are
creating temporary cnf files, so maybe edit scripts instead of
/kolab/etc/openssl/openssl.cnf file)
What should I know more? maybe running will make some
undesirable changes.
How to do that to have minimum effect on running services?

Thanks for any hints

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