User Deleted, awaiting cleanup... Problem

Liutauras Adomaitis liutauras.adomaitis at
Tue Jun 9 11:53:38 CEST 2009

Hi kolab users,

I'm using kolab2.2.2 and having problems with deleting users - <Subj.>
I have read wiki and etc, which are saying, that there are two possible causes:
- kolabd is not working
My box:
# [root at PBL-kolab user]# /kolab/bin/openpkg rc kolabd status
OpenPKG: status: kolabd.
# [root at PBL-kolab user]# ps aux | grep kolabd
root      5929  3.4  0.5  13356 11640 pts/2    S    12:48   0:00
/kolab/bin/perl /kolab/sbin/kolabd
root      5933  0.0  0.5  13356 10560 pts/2    S    12:48   0:00
/kolab/bin/perl /kolab/sbin/kolabd
root      6009  0.0  0.0   1988   544 pts/2    S+   12:48   0:00 grep
--color kolabd

- Delete /kolab/var/kolab/mailbox-uidcache.db file and restart kolabd - done.

I also find some posts mentioning OpenLDAP SLURP replication could
cause this behavior if slave is not found.

My question:
Do I have to disable ldap replication manually and how. I see there is
a slurpd process is running and there repalica configurations in
slapd.conf and slapd.replica files.


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