mail box creation

John McMonagle johnm at
Wed Jun 3 23:44:15 CEST 2009

Thomas Spuhler wrote:
> On Monday 01 June 2009, John McMonagle wrote:
>> John McMonagle wrote:
>>> I noticed that new user mail boxes are not being created.
>>> I am not using kolab's ldap server.
>>> I sort of recall something about kolabd using slurpd to know about
>>> changes.
>>> If I restart  kolabd the mail boxes get created.
>>> Is the lack of slurpd my problem?
>>> Anything I can do other than manually creating mail boxes or restarting
>>> kolabd?
>>> Thanks
>>> John
>> I managed to setup kolabd to use sync replication.
>> Did one test and it seemed to work OK.
>> Mailbox for new user is created.
>> I can give details if anyone is interested.
>> John
> I am certainly interested. Were you able to delete any mailboxes your created?
in /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.globals
directory_mode : syncrepl

in slapd.conf of  the server referenced by  kolab.conf  ldap_uri make 
sure you have something like:
# if not built in
 moduleload syncprov

# Use syncprov/syncrepl method for ldap replication
overlay syncprov
syncprov-checkpoint 1024 16
syncprov-sessionlog 4096
syncprov-reloadhint TRUE
index entryCSN eq
index entryUUID eq


Just look at kolab 2.2.2 slapd.conf

I thought it deleted but I'm not sure.
I'm doing another test.
I'm doing the accounts in ldap account manager.
If it's supposed to delete immediately it does not work.
I'll check back.

I really like mail box creation.
I not so sure I like mail box deletion.


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