kolabd confused.

John McMonagle johnm at advocap.org
Wed Jun 3 22:55:15 CEST 2009

Getting this message when restarting kolabd.
Jun  3 15:12:08 kolab kolabd[6847]: Kolab is shutting down
Jun  3 15:12:14 kolab kolabd[18833]: Kolab is starting up
Jun  3 15:12:15 kolab kolabd[18833]: L Warning: Object 
`barbb at advocap.org' already exists as `barbrab at advocap.org'; refusing to 

I originally created user as barbrab.
I changed in ldap account manager to barbb.

Couldn't do administration of users in kolab admin as the need more 
attributes and our DNs are defined differently.

Is there some way to get kolabd synced to the current state?
The real mail is not on kolab yet so I can use extreme measures if required.
I wonder if one just blew away the .db files in /kolab/var/kolab and 
restarted kolabd??
The  important thing is how do I avoid this?



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