Installation of kolab-horde on external webserver does not work like described in wiki

Dietmar Hummel dietmar.hummel at
Mon Jun 1 15:40:14 CEST 2009

Hi all!

I tried to install kolab-horde on an external webserver.
The explanation on the wiki page (
does not seem to work. I tried to get the source with git:

# git clone git://
(working fine)

# cd horde-release
(also working fine ;-)

# git checkout -b kolab origin/t/KOLAB
git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching branches/forcing
Did you intend to checkout 'origin/t/KOLAB' which can not be resolved as commit?

any idea? I am sorry I have no idea on how git is used and the web isn't really informative on this error message...

Thanks in advance
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