IMAP annotations truncated; Was: Upgrading problems: IMAP recovery
Saim Kim at
Thu Jul 23 09:24:25 CEST 2009
does anybody have an idea why the Kolab annotations in the IMAP headers
are truncated as shown below?
Best regards,
Saim Kim schrieb:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Hello
> Gunnar,
> Gunnar Wrobel schrieb:
>> Quoting Saim Kim < at>:
>>> Hello,
>>> after succesfully importing the LDAP backup from the old server with
>>> your help, I'm now struggeling with the import of the annotations.db
>>> file. I checked the mailing list and found several remarks on how to
>>> backup the file and the possibilty on just copying the file from a
>>> backup. Unfortunatly, the copying didn't do as hoped. After copying I
>>> ran the cyrreconstruct as kolab-r. That didn't change anything -the
>>> calendars were still not visible.
>> The cyrreconstruct does not have anything to do with the annotations
>> as far as I know. I believe it just fixes problems with the messages
>> in the mail folder. The annotations.db file is actually the only
>> place where information about annotations are kept. So the only task
>> should be to get that file restored as required.
> ok, that's good to know. I tried to do it another way: I delete the
> content of the /kolab/var/imapd. I then did a rsync with the imap
> content from my backup. I then checked with the cyradm info command
> and this is the result:
> Original server:
> localhost> info user/test/Kalender at medit.intern
> {user/test/Kalender at medit.intern}:
> comment:
> condstore: false
> duplicatedeliver: false
> lastpop:
> lastupdate: 14-Jul-2009 15:25:59 +0200
> partition: default
> sharedseen: false
> size: 6225112
> share-params:
> YToyOntzOjY6InNvdXJjZSI7czo1OiJrb2xhYiI7czo0OiJuYW1lIjtzOjg6IkthbGVuZGVyIjt9
> folder-type: event.default
> incidences-for: readers
> xfb-readable: test at medit.intern test3 at medit.intern
> New server:
> localhost> info user/test/Kalender at medit.intern
> {user/test/Kalender at medit.intern}:
> comment: t/plain
> condstore: false
> duplicatedeliver: false
> lastpop:
> lastupdate: 3-Jul-2009 15:40:24 +0200
> partition: default
> sharedseen: false
> size: 6175303
> share-params:
> OntzOjY6InNvdXJjZSI7czo1OiJrb2xhYiI7czo0OiJuYW1lIjtzOjg6IkthbGVuZGVyIjt9
> folder-type: t.default
> incidences-for: ers
> xfb-readable: t at medit.intern test3 at medit.intern
> Interestingly, some of the critical parts are truncated? ->
> folder-type, etc. Any on how to prevent this? I guess this could be
> one solution to my IMAP problem...
>>> A manual typesetting to event with the
>>> mboxcfg successfully restored a user calendar. For about 30+ users this
>>> would be cumbersome...
>> In the worst case you could script that step.
> hmm, as a complete linux noobie this would be really time consuming...
>>> I tried to export the annotations.db to skiplist format using the
>>> cvt_cyrusdb on the source machine and convert it on the destination
>>> machine back to berkeley format. Then I would run the cyrreconstruct
>>> command as kolab-r. All the mailboxes are listed but if I check them
>>> with "info" from the cyradm interface the kolab specific annotations
>>> are
>>> missing.
>> Can you try to dump the database contents to text format using:
>> /kolab/bin/db_dump /kolab/var/imapd/annotations.db >
>> annotations_db_backup.txt
> I made a db dump as suggested but when I look into the text file it
> only contains the following information:
> format=bytevalue
> type=btree
> db_pagesize=4096
> 6d656469742e696e7465726e217368617265645e61647265737362756368002f76656e646f722f6b6f6c61622f666f6c6465722d747970650000
> Lots of more numbers here... I guess the dump was successfull.
>>> So, in essence: Is there a recommanded way of recovering the
>>> annotations.db like the mailbox.db? I tried to convert to flat format
>>> and then back to berkeley format but I would get an error message:
>>> "Converting from /kolab/var/imapd/annotations.db (berkeley) to
>>> /tmp/annotest.test (flat) Warning: apparently empty database
>>> converted."
>> Hm, does not sound too good.
> So, after I dumped the annotations.db from the original maschine, how
> can I get it back into berkeley format? I tried to use
> /kolab/bin/cvt_cyrusdb /tmp/annotations.db.txt flat
> /tmp/annotations.db berkeley. Even though I get the same warning as
> before ("Warning: apparently empty database converted"), I get a
> resulting annotations.db file which is much smaller than before (8 kB
> compared to 229 kB)? And converting it back to flat format results in
> a 0 kB file?
> Ok, so the usual way would be recover the data from backup and just
> copying the annotations.db file to its original location and
> everything should work, right? Is that also correct for a version
> change (from 2.2 to 2.2.2)?
> Best regards,
> Saim
Dipl.-Ing. Saim Kim
Lehrstuhl fuer Medizinische Informationstechnik
Helmholtz-Institut fuer Biomedizinische Technik
RWTH Aachen
Pauwelsstr. 20, D-52074 Aachen
Tel: +49-(0)241-80 23218
Fax: +49-(0)241-80 82442
email: at
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