Kolab +samba

Benoit Mortier benoit.mortier at opensides.be
Sun Jul 19 14:45:20 CEST 2009

Le Saturday 18 July 2009 18:29:36 Sascha Schneider, vous avez écrit :
> yet another question to setip kolab with samba
> I have samba and kolab alreay installed on my linux mainserver "Ubuntu
> Hardy LTS 64bit" wich should replace our windows server as a pdc in
> future. I want samba to use the openldap of kolab and read some wiki an
> howto's on that but did not yet find the "best practice".
> My questions:
> 1) is it better to use the samba of my ubuntu or install samba from
> openpkg 2) should I use openldap from ubuntu or openpkg
> 3) should I take Gosa2 wit the samba and kolab plugins?? has someone a
> detaild installation howto for that??

Hello Sacha,

When i have to do such thing

i install a clean  debian put samba, apache, php5, gosa 2.6.x configure 
everything is should be.

Stop ldap, apache etc..

Bootstrap my kolab install

extract the ldif from the kolab ldap contenaing nobody, calendar, manager 

Stop everything kolab related 

import the lidf into my distrib ldap 

change the kolab config files to go to my distrib ldap

and then desactivate the opnpkg ldap

;-) ...

if you don't want to do all of that

just install a Debian testing where everything is there including 
kolab2 .2.1

Benoit Mortier
OpenSides "logiciels libres pour entreprises" : http://www.opensides.be/
Contributor to Gosa Project : http://gosa-project.org/

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