Hosted Kolab?

Ricardo Botelho de Sousa ricardo.sousa at
Fri Jan 30 20:37:12 CET 2009

Hello Alex,

  I noticed your message on Kolab Users' mailing list.
  My company (an IT consulting business) is about to launch a managed 
services spinoff that I feel would cover all of your concerns with the 
added benefit of being able to provide a dedicated solution.

  Even tho we don't have an hosted specifically for Kolab what we offer 
is managed solutions from the server (virtual) to the application (we 
can also do custom development if needed). Would you like us to design 
and propose a platform to the requirements you mentioned?

  Another (potential) issue I'd like to clear is, we don't have 
operations on the UK right now. Nevertheless our network is powered by which allows our average latency to the UK to be under 30 
miliseconds with a 3.4 standard deviation.

  If this setup doesn't create a problem with you we'd love to work on 
your requirements in order to assure you maximum satisfaction.

Best regards,

ServiSMART                                      Ricardo Sousa
servimos o seu negócio                          tel: +351 96 298 0989

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