Address book in Kolab admin webinterface: some entries not shown

Christian Rößler Roessler at
Wed Jan 21 11:32:30 CET 2009

Bernhard Reiter schrieb:

> On Freitag, 16. Januar 2009, Christian Rößler wrote:
>> <>
>> Changing the entry, numbers missing.
>> Please let me know, if anybody can give me some hints. Of course I will
>> give any needed information.
> I can reproduce it here with 2.2.0,
> so we'll follow up on it.

Thanks again for that; this is very reassuring, if i may say so.

I have noticed there is a bit of another issue, too. But for the 
possibility that these things are related I will mention it for the sake 
of completeness.

When importing entries from elsewhere I notice the last character from 
'Vorname' entry (How it's called: Christian name? First name?) missing - 
see appendes screen shots. (I know attachments are not well received; 
but I made them very small).

When looking into LDAP I notice in these entries that sn=cn:

| kolab:~ # ldapsearch  -LLL -b cn=external,dc=kolab,dc=lokal,dc=de
| cn="Alternate*" -h kolab
| dn: cn=ALTERNATE Computerversand
| GmbH,cn=external,dc=kolab,dc=lokal,dc=de
| objectClass: top
| objectClass: inetOrgPerson
| objectClass: kolabInetOrgPerson
| sn: ALTERNATE Computerversand GmbH
| cn: ALTERNATE Computerversand GmbH

If I make an entry with the kolab webfrontend this does not happen. 
Difference, notice givenName:

| kolab:~ # ldapsearch  -LLL -b cn=external,dc=kolab,dc=lokal,dc=de
| cn="Vorname*" -h kolab
| dn: cn=Vorname Nachname,cn=external,dc=kolab,dc=lokal,dc=de
| objectClass: top
| objectClass: inetOrgPerson
| objectClass: kolabInetOrgPerson
| sn: Nachname
| cn: Vorname Nachname
| givenName: Vorname

If I add an entry 'givenName' to the first example above, nothing 
changes. If I then enter the missing 'H' the entry shows correct; cn 
gets automatically doubled. Can anyone give me a hint how this behaviour 
can be circumvented? For example, if my data source just has a CN and a 
SN (which I cannot change), should I better enter sn->givenName and 
cn->sn, so Kolab constructs the cn?

Regards, Christian
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