Multiple instaces of kolabquotawarn - kolabquotawarn not terminating

Christian Rößler Roessler at
Tue Jan 20 09:38:01 CET 2009

Alain Spineux schrieb:

>> Jan 16 10:28:36 kolab-test <warning> imap[21482]: DBERROR db4:
>> /kolab/var/imapd/mailboxes.db: unexpected file type or format
> The message is "unexpected file type or format"
> Did you restore mailboxes.db from another system ?
> Or did you change anything in your imapd.conf in between ?

No, it was a new, clean install for testing purposes. The only
noticeable thing could be that I ctrl-c'ed the bootstrap script once, as
I noticed I made a typo.

Best regards, Christian

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