New native Windows and Mac OS Clients: first beta of Kontact Enterprise 4

Troy Carpenter troy at
Wed Jan 14 19:12:20 CET 2009

On Wed January 14 2009 12:09:19 pm Troy Carpenter wrote:
> 2. I have KDE 4.2rc1 installed on Windows. Is this version Kontact
> eventually targeted for inclusion in the Windows port?
> I will continue to play around with it.  I've had two unexplained crashes
> so far, but given the status of the software, I'm expecting crashes.

That screeching sound you now hear is the major clash between the Windows KDE 
install and this Kontact package.  This is because each one is essentially a 
KDE installation.  4.2rc1 is what you would expect.  From what I can tell, the 
Kontact package is a 4.1.2 install.

Windows does NOT handle multiple KDE installs like Linux does because there 
apparently can only be one KDEDIR variable pointing to one install.  Since 
just about all the libs have the same name between the installs, Windows is 
using the first library it finds.  In my case, that was the 4.2rc1 libs.

When I removed the 4.2rc1 install (which installed in C:\Program Files\KDE) 
and only used Kontact (in C:\Program Files\Kontact), then Kontact worked fine 
including all the date configuration settings.

So, since I want Kontact more than a current KDE install, I am going to try 
something out there to see how it works.  I am going to do a Windows install 
of KDE 4.1.2, then try to install Kontact into the same directory.  If that 
fails miserably, then I guess I'll just settle for Kontact only.

One other problem I'm finding is that Kontact's Calendar doesn't keep my 
timezone setting.  I've configured it for "Eastern Standard", but once I close 
the settings dialog and reopen it, I see that the timezone setting is not 
kept.  That's causing all my events to be displayed in UTC time instead of my 
local time.

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