Question About Kolab and Cyrus Mail Boxes

Joseph Hardeman jwhardeman at
Sat Jan 10 03:36:50 CET 2009

Greetings everyone,

I have just finished setting up my first installation of Kolab and have 
two quick questions.

When I create a user, I do not see a Sent mail folder and a Drafts 
folder.  For instance see my lm after logging into cyradm:

user/testuser/Calendar at (\HasNoChildren)
user/testuser/Contacts at (\HasNoChildren)
user/testuser/Notes at (\HasNoChildren)
user/testuser/Tasks at (\HasNoChildren)
user/testuser at (\HasChildren)

I have been searching through the templates and other files but have not 
been able to find a way to have these folders autogenerated when I add 
an email user.  I can add them afterwards, but I want my users to be 
able to simply login and go.

My second question is, is there a template file where I can add multiple 
certs for my IMAP/POP authentication?  Or can someone send me a quick 
note on where I need to add them?  I want to be able to provide virtual 
domain support and when a user goes to add their account 
to their client they won't get the wrong cert.

Thanks for everything.


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