Update of event leads to doubled event

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Wed Jan 7 13:21:11 CET 2009

Quoting Saim Kim <s.kim at hia.rwth-aachen.de>:

> Bernhard Reiter schrieb:
>> On Montag, 5. Januar 2009, Saim Kim wrote:
>>> One of my users has a problem with events that are doubled when updated
>>> -but only sporadically. Here is how it happens:
>>> User A creates a new event with User B
>>> User B automatically accepts the event
>>> The event is entered into User B's calendar
>>> User A shifts the event to a later time (overlap/no overlap doesn't make
>>> a difference)
>>> User B has two events: the original one and a new one with the updated
>>> time + "updated:" in the event name
>> Please always state server and client versions. :)
> Sorry, my bad!
> I'm using the kolab 2.2 release version with Outlook/Toltec Connector 2.3.

Is it possible to test this with the code in the newer beta release?  
The error you mentioned should have been fixed there.



> Best regards
> Saim
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Ing. Saim Kim
> Lehrstuhl fuer Medizinische Informationstechnik
> Helmholtz-Institut fuer Biomedizinische Technik
> RWTH Aachen
> Pauwelsstr. 20, D-52074 Aachen
> ---
> Web:   http://www.medit.hia.rwth-aachen.de/
> Tel:   +49-(0)241-80 23218
> Fax:   +49-(0)241-80 82442
> email: s.kim at hia.rwth-aachen.de
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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