kolab ldap migration questions.

John McMonagle johnm at advocap.org
Thu Feb 12 20:56:30 CET 2009

Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2009, John McMonagle wrote:
>> For my next test imported all of our current ldap records.
>> That worked but having a problem  automating adding the  extra
>> kolabInetOrgPerson records.
>> Probably because I do not understand ldif  well enough :-(
> I would need to fiddle with it as well to give you a good answer.
> Maybe some OpenLDAP people can help you with this specific question.
> Another idea would be to try using a script language accessing the openldap 
> libraries, thus avoiding direct ldif handling.
Finally got some time to experiment.
This works:

dn: uid=test,ou=People,dc=advocap,dc=org
changetype: modify
add: objectClass
objectClass: kolabInetOrgPerson

add: kolabHomeServer
kolabHomeServer: mailtest.advocap.org

add: kolabInvitationPolicy
kolabInvitationPolicy: ACT_MANUAL

The blank lines are required.
I real program would be better.
I'll look into it.
At the moment am doing an ldapsearch to get the dn entries and then use 
awk to add the attributes.
Crude but works.


John McMonagle
IT Manager
Advocap Inc.

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